Madeleine Pilgrim visits the industrial suburban town of Haunted Springs, receiving an unexpected summons from its top investigator. The quiet city has been plagued by a string of murders with no sense or reason behind them. The town also happens to be the site of well-renowned psychiatrist Dr. Sigmund Fraud, who had received recognition for his patented psychedelic medication, the N1T3M4R3 serum. Apart from these strange killings, a young girl named Rose was recently admitted into the town's asylum, under the care of Dr. Fraud. It soon becomes clear to Madeleine that this girl possesses uncanny abilities. However, all is not right in the cheerful town of Haunted Springs. Maddie begins to piece together a connection between the asylum and the terrifying murders taking place. It appears that Fraud may not have the best intentions in mind. What is the good doctor hiding? The deeper she dives, the more secrets she uncovers, ones that are too horrifying for her to imagine. WARNING: This fic contains violence, gore, and strong language. If you are particularly squeamish, don't read. Otherwise, enjoy. This is based off of the hidden-object game Redrum developed by Anarchy Enterprises. Story details may not be accurate.