When I was a child, there some story that unforgetable. And I often get in some troble. I have 5 scars in my body. theres 2 in my head and 3 in my stomach. There one story that very very unforgetable in my life. It's an embarrassing story. It's happend when I was a child. One day, I took a walk in my neighborhood. I'm alone, theres no body with me. and then I saw a crowd. when I went to the crowd, Insaw a monkey show. That monkey did some atraction. The monkey can do every thing. he riding a motorcycle toys. He wear a mask to. And in the last performence, he plays wit a sneak. Now we get to the emabarrassing part. The monkey trow some stuff. And when i give that stuff to the monkey owner, the monkey get mad and chassing me. I ran as fast as can. And than i arived at home. My home have a fence and it's locked. I thik that to open the fence first i imposible. so I climbed the fence. and I' m to late. My bottom get bitten by a monkey. And than i cried in my nighbor house. and my home asisten get out from my house and attend me. and when my mother get home, she ask me "Why are you crying?". And than I answer it "I get bitten by a monkey.". And than my mom invite me to get to home and said to me "It's fine honey." Than I remembre one story that resemble. When my father in Semarang, he seldom go home. And one thim when he get home I want to hug him. Than my sister get mad and bitt me in the same pace The End