In a galaxy millions of light-years away from Earth, humans, droids and other lifeforms co-exist. After the Great War, which lasted for over 4,500 years, 3 star systems agreed on a treaty, forming the Crescentian Republic and ending the war. The three leaders of the respective star systems decided that the centre of political power would be located on the planet of Dieusia. The population centre of Dieusia, Worf City, became the Federal District and housed the Senate Building and the different government districts.
One thousand five hundred years later, the Crescentian Republic controlled several of the galaxy's trade routes and the respective 3 star systems prospered. Peace was established within the Republic and the newly-elected Supreme Chancellor Claudine Ghen, a human, introduced the Expansion Plan, which aimed to assimilate other star systems into the Crescentian Republic. This resulted in a massive uproar in the different star systems that were outside of the Republic's control. Leaders of those systems refused to give up their power, leaving Chancellor Ghen with no other choice but to use force.
The first system that the Republic targeted was the Herranium System, governed by Duke Henry Revern IV. Hundreds of battlecruisers, carrying countless small fighters and troop transporters, made their way to Herranium. The first planet, Veres, was subdued quickly. From there, the Republic forces established a base, and within three years, the entire Herranium System was colonised by the Republic and Duke Henry IV was brought to Dieusia and was executed in front of a huge crowd.
Now, it seems that the peace within the Republic may be compromised and a potential war may break out in the near future. The colonisation of Herranium only made the Chancellor bolder. Even some of the senators in the Crescentian Senate have secret plans. The darkness within will soon reveal itself, and no one knows when.
"What do you know about the Jedi...?"
"I know a lot about them, but more importantly, I can teach you to use your gifts properly. I can show you the way your abilities are meant to be used!"
"Find me and pass the trials of my people, and we will talk!"
"How will I find you?"
"Ask your Chiss friends about the World of Lehon"
What started as a simple rescue mission has turned into a mission of survival for Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano!
Having been found, Ezra Bridger is safe and very much alive, but has suddenly realised he is the only hope to save the honour bound and proud Chiss Ascendancy from a warmongering alien race. Ezra however, has his own problems. Haunted by a vision received over a year earlier, he is desperate to solve the mystery before times runs out. As he does so, Ezra quickly realises that the following the Jedi way may not be the key he needs to win the war against the Grysk, but the person he has been hearing in his head might be. Ahsoka Tano isn't so sure, and offers to continue Ezra's cut short training, unaware of a more sinister presence at play, hoping to keep Ezra on the right path! Ezra however is unaware that there is more than just the Chiss Ascendancy who want to use him, and his allies are fast running out!
Meanwhile, Sabine has her own battles to fight. Despite finding her best friend, Sabine can't help but feel a part of her is missing, and she finds herself turning to her most unlikely ally to put them together: Grand Admiral Thrawn! However, Thrawn has his own Agenda, one that involves Ezra and Sabine, and he is determined to see it through to the end. Thrawn isn't the only one with a hidden agenda. The Irizi family have their own plans for Ezra and his friends, and it may involve an unlikely alliance among the several beings to escape not just with their lives, but with a chance at ever seeing the rest of their friends again!