In a galaxy millions of light-years away from Earth, humans, droids and other lifeforms co-exist. After the Great War, which lasted for over 4,500 years, 3 star systems agreed on a treaty, forming the Crescentian Republic and ending the war. The three leaders of the respective star systems decided that the centre of political power would be located on the planet of Dieusia. The population centre of Dieusia, Worf City, became the Federal District and housed the Senate Building and the different government districts.
One thousand five hundred years later, the Crescentian Republic controlled several of the galaxy's trade routes and the respective 3 star systems prospered. Peace was established within the Republic and the newly-elected Supreme Chancellor Claudine Ghen, a human, introduced the Expansion Plan, which aimed to assimilate other star systems into the Crescentian Republic. This resulted in a massive uproar in the different star systems that were outside of the Republic's control. Leaders of those systems refused to give up their power, leaving Chancellor Ghen with no other choice but to use force.
The first system that the Republic targeted was the Herranium System, governed by Duke Henry Revern IV. Hundreds of battlecruisers, carrying countless small fighters and troop transporters, made their way to Herranium. The first planet, Veres, was subdued quickly. From there, the Republic forces established a base, and within three years, the entire Herranium System was colonised by the Republic and Duke Henry IV was brought to Dieusia and was executed in front of a huge crowd.
Now, it seems that the peace within the Republic may be compromised and a potential war may break out in the near future. The colonisation of Herranium only made the Chancellor bolder. Even some of the senators in the Crescentian Senate have secret plans. The darkness within will soon reveal itself, and no one knows when.
There is no such thing as a good side and bad side in a war. We are both the good and bad side. It just depends on your perspective. At the end of the day when the sun goes down we are still the murderers who took the lives of hundreds and sometimes thousands. We are still the ones who have orphaned children. And you call us saints but no, soldiers are murderers who hide behind patriotism and lies.
-Lorelei Jameson
WARNING THIS IS A SEQUEL. Go read Journey before you read Ascension.
Lorelei and Indiana escape from Headquarters only to find out that the war is in full swing. even though the Colony is getting more and more recruitments everyday they still only have a fraction of the amount the Extorians have.
They start to receive aid from a planet known as Orion A in the Orion Binary system. The people on Cambaar start to wonder if they really are on the planet of Cambaar. Someone is keeping secrets and they might decide the fate of the Colony.
The plan to end the war just might work but it is the most controversial topic in history. The people of Cambaar split into two sides over the final battle. Lorelei still doesn't believe it will work.
As the war rages forward relationships unravel. Sanity is lost. And blood is spilt across the forbidding land. They finally begin to understand what it means when they hear "The price of war isn't just blood".
5- nuclear war (6-17-19)