The story revolves around a K-pop celebrity, Castor Lee who is a member of the K-pop group Aeipathy. He has everything, he's handsome, he's got wealth, he's got health, he's got success and being an international icon ,he's got love from entire world.One thing that he lacks is peace, the essence of Human existence. And he's been searching it desperately for years now. Esmeray Khalid, a 23-year-old Indian girl, she's Independent, bold, and the type of girl who firmly believes in her principles. Her life wasn't really much happening until she crossed paths with Castor. Will she be able to guide him to the path of peace? Or will she stumble and fall too? After all, she has her own demons to deal with.Read the story to find out ****** #2 -Suicide Prevention Beautiful cover by @AdriannaRaines3172