I shut the door behind me, slowly walking down the dark path that lay ahead of me. Could this be it? After all this time all it took was a door. All the pain and struggle. A door that was in plain sight the entire time. How could this be? Why me? My head was full of questions, but there was no one to ask anything to. Just me. Walking to an unknown place that I'll soon call home. I've never had a real home, or if I did I don't remember it. When they took me they brainwashed me leaving me with only scraps and bits of the memories I once had so clearly seen. It was a part of their little game. That's what you get I guess. When you visit hell. I was lucky they say. I was one of the one of the only people to ever just walk out of hell. They say you become filled with demonic energies and such. But they are just old fables everyone talk about out of stupidity. Especially the Angels. That's mostly all they ever talk about.