50 parts Ongoing An abandoned world a running loner stumbles on, where one empties their colorless emotions, remains of bruised heart
and oceans of muffled miseries;
is the book your eyes just greeted.
"Life stitches dark tatooes on the naked human soul, whereas the place one can hide from the
judging world, is through the narrow road of poetry"... Quote by £lfriede West Wood
@Wannabe_Vagabond is the fantastic designer of my trendy and outstanding cover,his fingers are magic,contact him for a perfect one
Award contests I've applied for,Judges,please I recommend you read from my last chapters but the power is still in your hands
Dear reader,
My humbled request is to give the last chapters of this book a chance too though the first chapter
is my first born please pamper my last poems and in between poems too😅💙
"The best view comes after the hardest climb"
Rankings __
#1_Rhyme(6th January 2021)
1_Rewindtheclassics21 (21/08/21)
#1_Hideout(31st August 2021)
#1_Longpoem (1st November 2021
#1_Miseries (23rdMay2021)
#1_Comfortzone (10/11/2021)
#2_Poembook (22ndAugust2021)
#2_Refuge (22May2021)
#2_Insight (26/11/2021)
#2_Wildflower (22ndAugust 2021)
#3_Poembook (19thDecember21
#4_worries (22May2021)
#5_Poetry collection(22/08/21)