Someone once said "Every Disability is a specialty, care not what they think" . I also agree with this but not everyone thinks like this........... Author's Note: Alogia is a book I thought of after having had a taste of reality . Yeah as Africans (not all Africans some in some areas and most in some areas) we don't really believe in mental illness or disorders and this is something I feel we need to address, something we shouldn't overlook. And I can talk from several experiences that we don't even feel like addressing it because they take it as you being bewitched or running mad. Synopsis: Mahaa a young girl with a disorder, she lives with her family who isn't really supportive of her, specifically her mother and brothers. How will she cope after the death of her beloved sister Yasmeen who has been the only one supporting her through this? Join me in the life story of Mahaa..... Hey people, This is dahblackwriter and here I am back with a spectacular story............ Just hope you'll all give it a chance