The story revolves around the lives of four friends who found love in unusual places. It's a romantic and chaotic story about young people who fall in love by chance and faced a mysterious challenge trying to hold on to themselves and the disturbing fact to accept the error they have made. Growing up in a homophobic environment, full of religious and cultural restrictions; being depressed about his feelings, Omar has to move out of his hometown from the North to the South to complete his secondary education where he meets a group of friends each with a personal secret. Omar is a Muslim boy who battles with the lines between being himself and maintaining his religious and cultural status as he fall in love with a boy that will go any extra length to keep him to himself. Will he be able to have a balance between his belief and his desires? How will he handle Stephan's undying love for him? James, who is struggling with stigma and bullying from peers for being effeminate found love while he was trying to play with the feelings of his bully; what will be of his plans when he finds out that he is exposing himself to danger and falling into the trap he sets himself? Will Justin be able to understand the situation when he finds out James was only playing him? And Andrew who was stuck between the world of friendship and relationship, how will he end the controversial situation of falling for the man of his best friend? Will Cleo ever forgives her boyfriend and best friend after realizing the betrayal? How will Nelson tackle the situation of choosing between a girl and a boy? How will this group of teenagers settle the saga between them? How will they approach and accept the fact that they all encountered a LOVE WITH ERROR? Follow QueerAnonymous as we unravel the Mysteries and saga in high school relationships...