A story about a successful guy who denied himself from living a normal life. Behind his career achievement, Dave Gonzales' life revolved around working more, never less; his crave for good food cooked only by the best chefs; and a home, as just a sleeping lounge. Despite his physical appeal, good posture, and intellectual beyond the normal quotient, the life he's living is just an exact opposite to it. He doesn't show his emotions. He never looks back to the past and definitely never go out on dates. And just like any other story, comes a woman. But will it change a man who's too focused in his goals? Is a certain personality developed naturally? Or just being driven emotionally? Are there such things as fate, serendipity or soulmates? Or by chance, defined by moments accidentally uncovered? Or just coincidences in a random circumstance? Well, take time. Read. And then we'll see if it gets figured out.
9 parts