The story follows the journey of Damien, also known as Wrath, as he discovers his true identity and purpose. He was once a member of the infamous Seven Deadly Sins, a notorious gang known for their ruthless tactics and powerful leader, Pride. But after a series of events, Damien becomes an outcast and finds himself alone and lost. He is soon taken in by a pack of lone wolves, who recognizes his potential as a powerful ally in their war against an unknown enemy. As Damien struggles to come to terms with his demon and newfound abilities, he is thrown into the middle of a battle for supremacy between different factions of supernatural creatures. He must navigate through dangerous alliances and uncover the truth behind the new enemy, who is rumored to be a powerful human with demonic ties. Unknown to them, the evil that everyone fears is closer than they think . To become the supreme leader of all humanity. He'd do anything.