It wasn't any day that meant anything. Nothing was out of proportion. It was just a normal autumn day in the middle of the week. The wave started around 4:50. 4:52 to be exact. I was taking my dog out to pee when it happened 3 minutes later. I was just standing next to a large oak tree that had been growing in my front yard since my brother was born. I was home alone when I took my dog out. My mom was at work, my dad as well. My brother is in college, so he was obviously not home. My dog was doing that thing where they just sniff the ground for a bit. Everything after that hit me like an asteroid. It felt like a volcano had just erupted underneath me. I was being blown upward into the atmosphere. It had to be 6,000 miles I was traveling. I couldn't hear myself scream, I couldn't here anything at all. All I could see were the clouds as I passed through one after the next. I couldn't feel my entire body. I was going extremely numb.