Gravity-Part 1: A Short Story

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It wasn't any day that meant anything. Nothing was out of proportion. It was just a normal autumn day in the middle of the week. The wave started around 4:50. 4:52 to be exact. I was taking my dog out to pee when it happened 3 minutes later. I was just standing next to a large oak tree that had been growing in my front yard since my brother was born. I was home alone when I took my dog out. My mom was at work, my dad as well. My brother is in college, so he was obviously not home. My dog was doing that thing where they just sniff the ground for a bit. Everything after that hit me like an asteroid.
It felt like a volcano had just erupted underneath me. I was being blown upward into the atmosphere. It had to be 6,000 miles I was traveling. I couldn't hear myself scream, I couldn't here anything at all. All I could see were the clouds as I passed through one after the next. I couldn't feel my entire body. I was going extremely numb. I couldn't estimate how long it was until I actually started to feel pain. My throat felt frozen. My mouth was open the whole trip up and it felt as if I swallowed an ice cube, but it just stayed in my throat. My ear drums exploded, my eyes were bulging out of their sockets. My skin felt like papyrus and my lips felt like the bark of a tree. When I had finally broken through the Earths atmosphere I immediately started spinning uncontrollably. My blood felt like cold water, as it was being tossed and turned in my body. I couldn't tell I was in space until I was halfway out of the Galaxy. I always thought that if I entered space without an astronaut's suit I would explode. But sure enough I kept on spinning. I was literally falling up. I couldn't recognize the time it took for me to escape the Milky Way Galaxy and officially enter the universe, but I sure as hell know it wasn't long. Once I had entered I immediately stopped. My hair, falling behind behind me, was the only part of my body that wasn't frozen. I was in some sort of formation. I was in a laying position, my legs spread out to a V and my arms to a T. I looked around. My eyes could barely catch what was around me. I saw some things that looked like humans. I figured as much we were all in the same scenario. Now, I kid you not when I tell you, I felt like a spec of dust in the universe. There aren't clouds blocking your view point. It isn't anything that fades into blue. I could see how big everything was. The stars surrounded me and everyone close to me. Even though it seemed like the whole worlds population was there, it wouldn't have even matters because there was still an infinite amount of room. As I looked around, I noticed other things I could not recognize. I saw things, almost aliens. They were aligned like every one else was. There were trillions of them. All different kinds. Colors I had never even imagined were visible to my eye. Everything that seemed impossible to me was lying beside me. The debris from Earth was just below me and the quilt of organisms. I couldn't feel a single thing. I was in such a state of shock I couldn't even remember my name, what had just happened. It's like I woke up in the universe. The question "What is going on?!" alerted more in my mind than "Where is my family?!". I never thought of what. I never thought of how. I was just focused on why. Thoughts were bouncing in my mind. I couldn't speak, I couldn't hear, I couldn't breathe. Somehow, I was still laying there untouched. My sight was slowly disappearing as I looked around. Before my eyes officially turned to black, I said one thing and one thing that will never leave my mind. "Gravity". Gravity. This was the day that gravity, our force that held us from seeing the outside, had come to a stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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