Meet our protagonist, Lily Mitchell, a young artist struggling to find her purpose in the picturesque town of Maplewood, Canada. Lily finds solace in the tranquil wilderness of her backyard, where she stumbles upon a mysterious and captivating stranger named Ethan Jacobs. Lily and Ethan bond over their mutual love for painting, embarking on creative adventures that bring them closer together. As the connection between Lily and Ethan deepens, they uncover the vulnerabilities and aspirations that lie beneath their artistic facades. Their love blossoms as they explore the breathtaking beauty of the Canadian countryside, discovering hidden gems and enchanting moments along the way. Lily's passion for art collides with her aspirations, forcing her to confront her fears and make difficult decisions that could impact her relationship with Ethan. As the maple leaves start to fall, so do the uncertainties that cloud Lily's mind, leading her towards a path of self-discovery. Find out all these and more.....
14 parts