In the tumultuous final moments of the Fourth Great Ninja War, Naruto Uzumaki made the ultimate sacrifice, facing Sasuke Uchiha in a climactic battle at the iconic Valley of the End. With unwavering determination, Naruto succeeded in changing Sasuke's path, leading him away from darkness and revenge. However, this heroic act came at a grave cost. Naruto fell in battle, his life extinguished, but his legacy lived on. In an unforeseen twist of fate, Naruto was reincarnated into a new world, one vastly different from the Shinobi realm he had known. Now known as Naruto Marbas, his journey continued in the realm of High School DxD. Armed with the memories of his past life, the spirit of a hero of the Leaf, and newfound abilities, Naruto Marbas embarked on a fresh adventure, where the supernatural, the mystical, and the unknown awaited him. His legacy of sacrifice still burned brightly, casting a guiding light in his new world as he embraced his destiny in the ever-evolving story of High School DxD.
Kakashi experience many things in his life.
He experienced the love of a father, A lost of his last family member.
He's experienced having close teammates, fighting a war at the ripe age of 12, and losing his whole team.
He's experienced the feeling of no longer having any sanity and killing simply for the fact that, that is the only thing he can do.
He's experienced what it's like to have little siblings, and a betrayal of an avenger.
He's experienced his little siblings break down and rage.
He's experienced a broken team, and he experienced the mending of the same team.
He's experienced a kidnapping, and a feeling of powerlessness.
He experienced seeing the dead live again.
He's experienced what it was like leading an army of thousands at the age of 32.
And he's experience losing many comrades.
He's experienced death.
Kakashi experienced many things, but he's never experienced this.
Updates will depend on my mood, but I'll try once a week.
Also I'm typing on my phone so watch out for typos-