In a world where Duel Monsters come to life in a Card Game, a new spirited girl enters the scene with her eyes set on becoming the next Queen of Games. The world knows her better as the Season Duelist - Caitlyn Yumiko. Caitlyn's dream of becoming the Queen of Games is not the only thing that makes her special; she has a secret ability to see and interact with Duel Spirits. As she starts her first day at Duel Academy, she meets new friends who will be by her side till the end of time. However, the peace at Duel Academy is short-lived as the world faces new challenges - abnormal enemies, dark duelists, and a hidden entity that is out to destroy Duel Academy. Caitlyn and her gang must put their skills to the test and fight these evil forces, but it's not going to be easy. As the story unfolds, Caitlyn's bond with her friends grows stronger, and they face new challenges together. But how long will Caitlyn be able to keep her secret from her friends? Only time will tell. Remember that this is a Jaden Yuki x Caitlyn Yumiko story, and Caitlyn will interact with the characters as the years go on. The story begins in Year 1, and who knows what Years 2 and 3 will bring. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Duel Monsters, where the fate of Duel Academy lies in the hands of a talented and brave young girl. Read on to find out what happens next!