In " Fated collision" embark on a heartwarming journey of young love and self-discovery. Set in a bustling high school, this captivating tale follows the story of a 17-year-old Muslim boy Sahil who finds himself instantly captivated by a fellow student, a Muslim girl who is set to become his classmate. As their paths intertwine, cultural expectations, religious beliefs, and societal pressures threaten to keep them apart. Against the backdrop of their diverse backgrounds, the pair navigates the complexities of young love, challenging stereotypes and defying conventional norms. As they face obstacles and confront their own fears, they must find the courage to pursue their feelings while staying true to their identities and values. "Fated collision" is a tender exploration of the power of love across boundaries. With its poignant narrative and authentic portrayal of teenage emotions, this book captures the essence of youthful romance, interweaving themes of identity, faith, and the pursuit of happiness. Join our protagonists as they navigate the trials and tribulations of their blossoming relationship, reminding us all that sometimes, love knows no bounds.
21 parts