This story revolves around a cold hearted mafia "THE MANIK MALHOTRA" and his childish naive, innocent love NANDINI MURTHY. P.O.V- Babygirl, I won't repeat myself come here and have it.' Nandini murthy - an orphan, kind, immature, childish, innocent, naive, crygirl. 18 year old girl. Her parents died in car accident she was raised in her relative home from age 4 in mumbai. From the young age she was bullied by her aunt but still her have a golden heart that trust everyone. Manik malhotra-28 year old cold hearted, dangerous mafia as well as billionaire businessman, no place for love only his heart for her beloved sister and two friends Dhruv and Cabir his crime partners though he doesn't kill innocents. My story is little different 😉, mafia is dangerous but how he shows character development just for his babygirl.