Julian is an ordinary teenage male, but he lives in a futuristic city where cars fly. But unfortunately, he does not have that luxury afforded to him. He lives in an apartment with his mother and the apartment is a death trap! At risk of floors collapsing, possible injuries, and the landlord could not care less for his tenants. Julian feels like there is something missing from his life as he stays at home doing nothing but reading Goosebumps books. Julian has one friend Henry, but his friend cannot hang with him after school hours as he has strict parents who are worried of the four hooded teenagers attacking their son. Julian is also worried about the four hooded teenagers attacking him as their jealousy will set them after you. Julian has a crush on a boy named Oscar. He can never make that public for if the four found out he better hope the worst they will do is hospitalise him! Warning! This story has foul language, detailed abuse, and suicide scene! ~~~ Story one of the Can We? series ~~~ ~~ Can We Kiss? has 16,887 words ~~ ~ Julian and Oscar are 17 years old ~