Quest for Humanity ║ Arc 1 Description: The "Quest for Humanity" is a narrative that delves into the journey of a boy who was brought into existence by a scientist. This boy possesses intellectual capabilities, almost mirroring the cognitive processes of a real person. As he awakens within the confines of a machine, he immediately sets forth on an arduous path to escape the laboratory and seek freedom. Along his arduous journey, he confronts numerous trials, eventually meeting swordsman who not only teaches him the essential life skills of writing, speaking, and defending himself but also becomes his companion for the next five years. The two develop a strong bond as they support each other. They navigate the challenges presented by the scientists who had initially created the boy, as well as the world he finds himself in. Despite this, the boy who possesses a true human mind and the capacity for free thought continues his quest for existence beyond the constraints of being a mere creation. All characters, story, events, and other elements within this novel are thoughtfully crafted and authored by Prince Delarosa.