" Hello there, My name is ████████, You may be wondering why I'm speaking to you, Reader. It is because I'm here to talk about the book, The Book's protagonist is the author's OC, Sonar. " " All characters in here EXECPT for the author's OC do not belong to the author, In fact, They belong to entirely different creators, Including me since I am also an SCP Foundation character, Still if your wondering who I am, My name is ███ ███████. " " Anything written in here is the author's AU, If you do not like it if something isn't canon, Then please get out of this book and description immediately, Since the ██ ███████ does not like any sort of hate comments on this book, Remember, If you don't like the book then just exit the book and go and read something else, ██████. " " Anything in here that describes the O5 Council will be redacted, Anyways.. It is i, ██-█, I am also known as ███ ███████ in the Foundation. " " I wish you a nice day, Reader. " - "███ ███████" ██-█ . [ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS BOOK DO NOT BELONG TO ME, EXECPT FOR MY OC AND RESEARCHER VIDE, RESEARCHER XANI, COMMANDER RIOT AND JANITOR & SITE DIRECTOR ARLAN] - The author
8 parts