Daughter of Alduin is a Skyrim-inspired novel that follows Shea, a mysterious Dragonborn with a powerful yet dangerous connection to the ancient dragon Alduin. Alongside her loyal companions, Nivan and Valen, Shea must navigate a world of dragons, magic, and hidden dangers. As she uncovers secrets about her past and her destiny, Shea faces the ultimate choice: protect Skyrim or succumb to the dark power that calls to her. This is a tale of epic battles, deep friendships, and a journey that could change the fate of the world forever. Want to know more about the characters? i have them linked to my toyhouse! https://toyhou.se/Weirdpinkrosee/characters/folder:5941226 For detail, i don't own Skyrim! this is a fan made and inspired story! some of the things are canon, but i also added some twist to it! All the art is made by me! the cover and the refsheets! if you use please credit me!
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