In a world where ancient portals, called "Rifts," began appearing across the globe, humanity discovered they were gateways to other realms filled with monstrous creatures. These creatures, driven by a primal urge, spilled into Earth, wreaking havoc and destruction. In response, humans began awakening to mysterious powers, enabling them to fight back. These individuals, known as "Hunters," were the last line of defense between humanity and annihilation.The story follows a young man named Ryker Silas, an E-rank Hunter, the weakest of all. Despite his best efforts, Ryker could barely keep up with the lowest tier of monsters, constantly ridiculed and considered a burden by his team. But what no one knew was that Ryker harbored a secret power, one that even he was unaware of-an ability that had been lying dormant, waiting for the right moment to awaken.
6 parts