Set in the Showa era, Japan, in 1985, in the bustling city of Kyoto, an all-girls high school called Hanazaki Academy is known for its prestigious academics and strict rules. Uchuu Shimizu, a kind and shy girl raised by a kind-hearted nun named Aiko Haruno, who teaches Uchuu everything she knows and helps Uchuu to get enrolled into the academy and, through Uchuu's manga series, finds herself enrolled after years of living in an orphanage. Enter Sakura Noir, a vibrant and spirited girl who befriends Uchuu on her first day at Hanazaki Academy. She dreams of forming the school's first-ever female football team and making a name for themselves in competitive sports. As Sakura convinces Uchuu to join the team, the two girls dive headfirst into the world of football, navigating challenges, friendships, and budding romance. Together, they face obstacles on and off the field, learning important lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and the true meaning of friendship. The Hanazaki Academy's female football team, known as the "Hanazaki Blaze," begins to make waves in the school and beyond. Through victories and defeats, laughter and tears, they discover the strength within themselves and each other, ultimately proving that with determination and heart, Uchuu and Sakura are on their journey as they kickstart a new chapter in their lives, one goal at a time. The Blossom Cup Saga: Awakening of the Hanazaki Blaze FC Arc, Chapters 1 - Ongoing. First Date Arc, Seeds of Unity Arc, Fruits of Hard Work Arc, Rivals Emerged Arc, Emerald Dragons Arc, Road to the Finals Arc, Glory Beyond the Pitch Arc, The Yokai Cup Saga: Princess's Cup Saga: AlbaSpider created the original story, characters, and universe. All Rights Reserved. I created the art cover using the MagicAI app.
9 parts