Izuku Uzumaki-Uchiha is the son of Naruto Uzumaki the 7th Hokage and the Shadow Hokage Satsuki Uchiha. He was living a normal life being the son of the two most powerful beings in the entire world. One day, Izuku being with his parents got attacked by an Otsutsuki as he killed the entire village along with the people he cared about. Satsuki opens a portal up as Naruto transfers Kurama into Izuku as they push him inside as Izuku sees his parents get killed. In another world we see the Midoriya Family walking as they hear crying to see Izuku there. Izuku told them about what happened as he learned he was transported to another world. Izuku had to remain in this new world. Where he would meet some old faces and family.
6 parts