The story follows Kael Vornis, a 37-year-old former Colonel in the Earth Federation military, who becomes a Demon Slayer on the hostile planet Tartarus Expanse after a catastrophic event known as the Red Dawn. The Red Dawn event caused widespread psychological breakdowns and mysterious manifestations of mental illness, turning ordinary people into deranged, dangerous threats. Kael, driven by guilt after the death of his younger brother during the Red Dawn, seeks redemption by confronting these demonic manifestations. Armed with a massive sword/gun that remains heated like molten iron, Kael navigates the desolate landscape of Tartarus Expanse, where ancient, crumbling structures hint at a forgotten civilization. He is joined by Dr. Verena Nyx, a brilliant and empathetic scientist who helps him understand the deeper psychological roots of the Red Dawn event. As Kael and Verena uncover more about the nature of the Red Dawn, they face both internal and external challenges. Kael struggles with his own psychological wounds and guilt, while battling increasingly horrifying demonic creatures that are manifestations of fear, madness, and mental illness. The pair realizes that the Red Dawn wasn't just a physical calamity but a psychological breach, where suppressed traumas and nightmares took form and began to consume the minds of the survivors.
29 parts