In the year 2070, the world had encountered 7 world wars and 2 national wars. The world was developed and super advanced at that time. Nations sought for solutions and later found one- monarchy. It was more easier for Nations to make decisions in a state of monarchy than democracy. Countries were now called kingdoms, USA now UKA. But those kingdoms were power hungry and there had to be a supreme king over all and because of the incident that happened in the year 2065, a man named Salvadore Weslyn from Spain was made king of all earthly Kings. In 2065, Salvadore Weslyn discovered a fountain which location is unknown till date, scientist grew old before their time trying to unravel it's secrets, travels became lost trying to find it's source it was called the fountain of life, it was known to bring mystic powers to those who drank from it - Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Those who possessed this powers were called weslyn's. Those directly from Salvadore's lineage were multiple weslyn's- possessing all the mystic powers, the Royals had double Weslyn possessing two of the mystic powers while the nobles had single weslyn, possessing one weslyn. There was also the non-weslyn not possessing any mystic powers. Multiple weslyns became extinct in the year 3002, Sebastian Weslyn a double Weslyn, brother to Salvadore Weslyn ruled in his stead. The reason behind the extinction of multiple weslyns became a mystery up till date.