Book 1 Of Celestia Academy Series In the heart of Celestia Academy, a prestigious school of magic, Aria Silverwings, an ambitious and determined student, discovers her true potential while unraveling a series of ancient mysteries. When Aria, along with her friends Talia and Lila, is tasked with retrieving three powerful relics, they uncover a dark force threatening their world. As they overcome treacherous challenges and confront shadowy creatures, they realize that their battles are only beginning. The relics, meant to protect their realm, are sought after by a sinister group intent on unleashing chaos. As Aria grapples with the growing darkness and hidden enemies, she must harness her magical abilities, forge stronger bonds with her friends, and prepare for an impending storm that could change their world forever. This is my original work The images doesn't belong to me the credit for images goes to their owner
32 parts