"Beyond the Horizon" is a captivating anthology of short stories that transports readers to diverse worlds, each uniquely crafted to explore the enduring bond between Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, known as Larry Stylinson. From magical realms and whimsical fairy tales to heartfelt contemporary settings, each tale delves into a different theme-love, sacrifice, friendship, and self-discovery. In this collection, experience the thrill of adventure as Louis and Harry navigate challenges that test their connection, the warmth of intimacy in unexpected places, and the bittersweet nature of longing and reunion. Each story captures the essence of their relationship, revealing how love can thrive amidst the most extraordinary circumstances. Join Louis and Harry on their journeys beyond the horizon, where every world holds a new chapter in their story, reminding us that love knows no boundaries, no matter where it takes them. Each short story has a description at the beginning, if you prefer to experience stories with as little preconceived notions as possible, then I recommend skipping these. Some of the stories will also have the song that inspired me listed. Feel free to listen before reading, or to skip if you prefer. I've also placed warning at the beginning of stories that contain mature content, please read those! Thanks for reading, enjoy.
35 parts