Here is the book that you either admit to something you have done and tell me the story of how or I tell you something you have done and you say if it is true or false or I give you a scenario/ problem /question and you tell me how you would solve it or you just realised and you tell me if you knew that already or not Example 1: have you ever walked into a wall? ( and now you tell me if you have or haven't and the story behind it) Example 2: Admit it, you tried keeping a diary and for got to write in it ( you answer true or false) Example 3: you walk in to a bar and a clearly drunk man throws a glass bottle at you and hits you in the head, you then wake up in hospital, and the same man is next to you, what do you say? ( you answer the question) Example 4: you just realised that the capital letter K sideways Looks like a headless stick man ( then answer if you knew that or not)