'The story of Maple' Hilarious Boo...by Sean Whittaker
Nobody believes me but this story is based on a true story. The story of maple follows a story of a evil serial killer cat who came from the underground. This story is b...
Selective Memoryby SophiaDelphine92
It's always easier to forget painful memories - at that moment in time.
The Comic Bookby Sonny Kruger
Sonny Kruger's short story "The Comic Book"
Comic book lover, Haden, stumbles upon a rare comic worth over $50,000 and although it seems easy to get, he soon f...
The Awesome Hat, Hillarious book f...by Sean Whittaker
After completion of their latest novel 'The Story Of Maple," Dude and Dude decide to start up their next work of art. This time, instead of creating an evil cat to...