Sein Zerstörtes Lebenby OMG_ HD
Reupload wegen sperrung des ersten.
Wer solche Geschichten nicht mag. Nicht melden sondern ignorieren und nicht lesen
Lost. Definition davon.by Babbs_dieBiene
Lost. Ein Wort, das um die Welt geht. Ich glaube sogar, dass dieses kleine Kackwort mal Jugendwort irgendeines Kackjahres war.
Was will die Alte hier jetzt? Schreibt ei...
Continue Here? (READ DESCRIPTION P...by ♥ Achilles ♥
This is for anyone who was involved in the Sander's Sides RP in that Jamilams book, I forgot who else was involved other than @_Hey-Emo-Boy_ and @UnSQUIPtedmusicals. Cou...
Trapped Betweenby Dianna henclewood
Beautiful,fat and well educated she had a heart that mama said would bring her ruine
Lady Gaga Loveby sapir
This is all of Gaga's released songs and the lyrics to them in case of ref. I seriously do not know how this got this many reads but hey keep it up, lads. This is the r...
Egal was auch kommen mag...by Gxnseblxmchen_lisa
Ok,ich spoiler mal lieber nicht lest einfach selber,es ist ja auch nur eine Kurzgeschichte. ^^
Beautiful Scheißeby TyLeaf
This is a new plot every chapter book. It has a free flowing beginning with an abrupt and odd ending. I hope to make you laugh. Thanks.