New Pokémon Game In Development At...by laieznoraz
That game takes place on the island of Pasio, where the rules of battle are different and the treasured bond between Trainer and their partner Pokémon is taken to the ne...
El rencuentroby GERALD-CHECHO
niño que fue secuestrador y logra escapara luego de un lago tiempo de esclavo
The Journey (Love Nikki reader ins...by jjjjjuyggkogfcnjo
"When the flower blooms,the journey goes on and on."
Bill Cipher x Luigi x Kirby (Kirlu...by DiplomaticCode69420
A perfect love triangle between a plumber, a Dorito and Kirby.
Timi Frank Says Buhari's Independe...by Nigeria Stack
Frank who is the ambassador for the United Liberation Movement for West Papua or ULMWP in East Africa as well as the Middle East has complained that Buhari had decided t...
The Pokémon Company has announced...by jackyjonez
Tencent and The Pokemon Company are developing a new game (probably for smart devices). Development taken over by Tencent's TIMI studio, which is responsible for the com...
JUST 3 DAYSby Joshua Zoe
Its Timi's birthday, it was supposed to be a day of so much celebration as he was the son of a great business man but .........
The Ayiba's will have a lot on their plat...