
we will be back, promise.


@--HarryStyIes its no problem, we miss you and the lads' music, but come back when you guys are ready and feel like it, we will be waiting :)


@--HarryStyIes  It's been a while....
          	  Can you guys come back? You said 18 month hiatus...
          	  If you guys decide not to come back, that's fine, but can you please just tell us? It's better to know it's not going to happen than to keep waiting for years. We will respect you guys' decision no matter what, but please, we're losing our sanity here.


I don’t know which account you use, so I’ll just repeat the same thing I said on your other one.
           I know what happened, and I need you to know that everything will be alright.
          I need you to know that, you are not alone.
          I need you to know that we are all feeling hurt, sad and heartbroken.
          I need you to know that, everything will be alright.
          We will all see each other in our next life. We just need to be patient. 
          Please stay strong and healthy and safe love. Drink water, eat enough, sleep well, and keep your mind occupied on good things.
          We love all of you ❤️


Oiee Sweets♥️ Comecei a escrever uma história de romance, que envolve alguns dos cantores mais queridinhos do mundo! Vi que você gosta deles assim como eu. Queria te convidar para dar uma olhada na minha história, seria de grande importância para mim e me alegraria intensamente se você virasse minha leitora♥️
          Obrigado, conto com você♥️ 