
You know what....im gonna chill out and be happy im getting some more shoes tmmr :)


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Bruh Yesterday at school we was arguing over who looks better in the old mindless behavior group.....
          Tell me why this one girl said prodigy was the cutest :\ she got the whole game fucked up she know damn well Princeton and roc royal was the only sexy people in mindless behavior Like we had a whole debate about this HE WAS FUCKING UGLY AND HE STILL IS Princeton and roc still sexy ash Ray Ray even look better then him like the bitch is blind -_- 


Why some of you girls be looking like glazed doughnuts -laughs- like I mean ya whole face be glowing....@Issafake- don't wear makeup kids yall are to cute for that 


@Issafake- okay I'm sorry and I love you guys too -chuckles smh-


And dwont compware ugly pweople  two delicious fwood  *laughs*


@--IndiaLove-- otay love you Dwia~Nicole and Saje