
"Hm, it appears that love is in the air. Just as well, good thing I brought my umbrella!"


          	  Anthony admired the shack before stealing Alastors chair and spinning in it. He had to let out a bit of inner child!


          	  "Well one has to be equipped! I definitely wouldn't consider myself a tech guy, as you put it, but I only have enough for what I need." It was a modest little building, equipped with a radio tower for signal. Alastor walked Anthony back to where he usually worked. "This is where I spend my days mostly."


          	  "Why thank ya" he bowed jokingly in return and blew him a kiss before heading in, looking around in bewilderment before laughing "I neva' took ya as the tech guy, this shits up to date!"


It was hours when Stolas left the library, even when he did he still had a nose in a book and a bag full of books  he definitely didn't have before. Just so many interesting things to read! Much better then his home library, with its limited things. Though little did the disguised goetia know was that Alastor had been waiting for him, and now he was following him!


//human shenanigans (and yes I know, creative name XD)
          Marcus was sitting at the table closest to the stage, looking starry eyed to the performer who was singing. He was absolutely swooning for her! The actor let out a dreamy sighed and was about to take a sip of his wine before Alastor showed up behind him


            "Oui je suis" he nodded with a grin, smiling and relaxing when he heard the familiar language "My boat altered course, I was suppose to come in from new York monseir" he explained "But now I'm here"


            "Ah, parlez-vous français?" Alastor asked him with a smile, settling down next to the stranger. "It's rare folks natively speak French here." He watched the performer a little more.


            "excusez-moi?" He asked, averting his eyes from the performer to the new guy sitting next to him "Pardon, She really is"


//mermaids! But this time Anthony's one :3
          Anthony somehow got caught up inland, in a bayou, and absolutely hated it! His gills burned as he tried to breath in the freshwater and eventually gave up, climbing out of the water to lay down in some land he was able to get to for a breath of air. But what he didn't know was that Alastor was fairly close by, trying to hide a body


this message may be offensive
            "Yeah, and fuck you" that had to be a greeting of somesort, he's heard sailors say it to each other all the time! Very custom merman he was "My names Anthony, I can't tell how I got here cause I don't know"


            "Ah, so you can speak! Very interesting." It was hard to tell if this creature really had magic, but who was he to doubt the half man half fish! Besides, Alastor was no stranger to magic himself. "Alright. No tricks. I just want to know who you are and how you ended up way out here."


            Anthony kept glaring but calmed down when he saw that the other relaxed, maybe he could help "Alright, But if you try anything I'll have to use magic on you" lie, he had none of that


can i eat you


            "You're very strange dear, but if you bite me again something might happen."


Your hair looks like chocolate I wanna eat it >:)


            | Oh I'm jUDGING YOU >:3 |
            "Please refrain from eating anyone's hair-"


@--Ki113r-Charm-- //rocky dont judge me because cartoon hair lwk looks edible *cries*


@--Ki113r-Charm-- I wanna eat your hair it looks so scrumptious!! :>
            //IT LOOKS SO YYUMMYYY


//more kitty
          Husk rubbed his head against the human, soft purrs escaping him. What was his end goal here? Shedding all over him. It's not his fault Alastor's clothes had been missing cat fur. It was an essiential accessory to every outfit! 


            "I bet you I can." Husk huffed and gasped once his wing had been messed with. "Hey! Paws off!"


            | g a s p |
            "Hm, you can't keep your secrets forever. I'll figure it out sooner or later." He grinned, tugging lightly on one of the feathers to test its durability.


            //unlike your age 
            Husk just purred at him enjoying the others touch, rubbing his head against him. "My wings will forever remain a mystery." He grinned sheepishly. "And no I will not share my secrets with you."


//yyayyayayayyayayayyyeeeeeeeee here's a totally evil starter >:3
          It was raining heavily when a knock was heard on Alastors door, a very morbid morning for what was about to happen. Azrael was the one who knocked, not in his angel form but his human form. The angel had numerous cuts and bruises on his face and body, which were bleeding out the normal blood red color instead of the normal golden color. He was leaning heavily on his staff that wasn't glowing but looked like a normal old stick you'd find in the woods, what was taking Alastor so long?!


            "Oh gosh no" he huffed, looking away and down to avoid his stare "I just interrupted some unruly people, people don't like showing directions to your house"


            "That's lovely dear." He deadpanned, obviously not a fan of that phrase either. "And what do you mean, 'may have?' Did.." Alastor debated on saying what he was thinking, since it almost sounded ridiculous. "Did the other angels do this to you?"


            "Because I may have did" he said guiltily, though shrugged a bit afterwards "I'm going to call it a flesh sack then, since I can't call it the other one"


//Human Luci Valentine starter 
          Lucifer looked anxious as he approached his odd friend, holding up a handmade card he made for him and a bone he found on the side of the road. 


            "....Then that's uh...not what I mean." Lucifer looked rather bashful. "Oh...this is mighty awkward."


            "Snack?" That almost stopped Alastor in his tracks. "Surely you don't actually mean you eat them?" Now that really would be strange! How had Lucifer survived this long?


            Lucifer glanced towards the male as he thought about it for a moment. "Sometimes my buttons fall off of my clothes and I need to sew one back on. And plus they're a tasty little snack!"


"Hm, it appears that love is in the air. Just as well, good thing I brought my umbrella!"


            Anthony admired the shack before stealing Alastors chair and spinning in it. He had to let out a bit of inner child!


            "Well one has to be equipped! I definitely wouldn't consider myself a tech guy, as you put it, but I only have enough for what I need." It was a modest little building, equipped with a radio tower for signal. Alastor walked Anthony back to where he usually worked. "This is where I spend my days mostly."


            "Why thank ya" he bowed jokingly in return and blew him a kiss before heading in, looking around in bewilderment before laughing "I neva' took ya as the tech guy, this shits up to date!"