
Hi everyone.  I'm going through hard times emotionally.  I feel very lonely and depressed ever since the most significant day of my life,  for all the wrong reasons.  I just wish someone would love me and not leave me or fall out of love or something.  I need someone to tell my secrets to,  to love all of me.  But i might not get that for a while.  He was the only one I ever cared for,  is what I thought.  But I might have had feelings for one other person.  I'm still trying to figure it out. But in the meanwhile,  I'll try to go back to the way things were at school before I met the guys and got my heart broke.  Because I owe it to myself.  To my friends.  To my family. But I might need a roleplay group on here to help me as well.  That is all. 


Hi everyone.  I'm going through hard times emotionally.  I feel very lonely and depressed ever since the most significant day of my life,  for all the wrong reasons.  I just wish someone would love me and not leave me or fall out of love or something.  I need someone to tell my secrets to,  to love all of me.  But i might not get that for a while.  He was the only one I ever cared for,  is what I thought.  But I might have had feelings for one other person.  I'm still trying to figure it out. But in the meanwhile,  I'll try to go back to the way things were at school before I met the guys and got my heart broke.  Because I owe it to myself.  To my friends.  To my family. But I might need a roleplay group on here to help me as well.  That is all. 


Bonjour, désolé j'ai été inactif. J'ai eu affaire à beaucoup de choses, comme les ruptures, en essayant d'obtenir un emploi, en m'inquiétant d'une robe pour le bal (que je peux mettre dans mon livre de mode si quelqu'un veut, avec des photos de certains de mes amis, et peut-être une photo de moi avec mon ex (qui j'aime quand même, mais il n'aime pas moi en retour, visage triste) La plus grande chose est un peu difficile à dire, si vous voulez savoir, h moi, j'ai oublié une autre chose. j'avais des cheveux noirs, et je suis attirée par des mecs aux cheveux noirs comme la peste, alors c'est une chose ... De toute façon, je devrais y aller maintenant, je vais essayer d'être inactive, mais comme je l'ai déjà dit, ça ne sera jamais être le même depuis que j'ai rencontré ce nouveau groupe d'amis.


Hey Kitty, muchísimas gracias por seguirme, espero que disfrutes mi historias y las sigas leyendo ya que cada que alguien me sigue o agrega mis historias es una inspiración y una apoyo para seguir escribiendo......


Hola, y eres bienvenido. Espero que podamos ser amigos. Lo siento si mi español está un poco apagado, estoy usando Google Translate para hablar con usted.