
Danke für den ganzen Support für mein kleines Ich. :) Falls ihr mir auf insta folgen wollt. es ist 
          	@ helloplsliveforme
          	English; Thank you so much for all the support for my small me! If you‘d like to follow my insta, here it is;
          	@ helloplsliveforme


Danke für den ganzen Support für mein kleines Ich. :) Falls ihr mir auf insta folgen wollt. es ist 
          @ helloplsliveforme
          English; Thank you so much for all the support for my small me! If you‘d like to follow my insta, here it is;
          @ helloplsliveforme


this message may be offensive
I'm sorry that I'm not active like I used to but lately everything is getting too much on my mental health. I'm always getting screamed at in school even though I try my best. I learn almost the whole time for good grades. My stepmother screams at me for no reason. It's just hard. I mean. School. All those thoughts. Lately I'm so fucking suicidal and I really have no clue how to keep going. I'm sorry. Keep your head up. :)


@--LilAki (Hugs Aki) Don't Feel So Sad, Aki! You Got All Of These People On WattPad Who Love Ya! Your Skin Isn't Paper, Don't Cut It, Your Neck Isn't A Hanger, Don't Hang It, Your Head Isn't A Target, Don't Shoot It, Your Life Isn't A Movie, Don't End It! ~Lone & Tako


Aki T~T don’t feel like that