
          	I announce that this account is officially ❇Dead❇
          	I won't be using it anymore, am very busy with other things like School, Family problems, Projects, And others. 
          	And... I have lost storage in my device and I need a lot, Like, A LOT of more important things to download-
          	I've been very busy, I wanted to update my books since a long time, but I lost hope and motivation in them. 
          	(I am, in fact, slowly loosing followers) 
          	So, bye-bye to this account and bye to the beautiful people who followed me, cared for me, And made my day with sweet and nice messages! 
          	Anyways thanks for sticking with me! 
          	Have a great time!! 
          	(say ‘ Satan is ugly ’ if you actually read this-) 


Satan is ugly


Still here Mary, its Kai- or Kori now!! I changed my accs and doing better now- mental health struggles massively and after almost 15 years I'm on my way to getting an ADHD diagnosis. I hope you're doing okay up there and you're having fun, I wish I could still spam you with hearts and happiness like we used to do for eachother. I guess I make up for that now for doing it with my girlfriend. She's my reason to live.
          I wish I could have helped you find yours
          I love you so so much
          Keep flying, beautiful girl <33


Hey Mary,I hope you're doing okay,up there! I just want you to know,that I love,miss,and I'm always thinking of you! 
          Thank you for helping me in my time of need,I wish I could have helped you more ♡
          On December 23rd,I'll be making a tribute to you,getting everyone involved-!
           #FlyHighMary , we love you xx