
I suppose it's time to feed my children more fnaf content 


Helooooooooo! Are you currently writing any stories???


@L_Algar Currently I have a few personal stories I have been focused on, as for fanfic I'm debating whether or not want to continue.


When your world grows dark
          And your soul feels heavy,
          Rise up to meet the sky,
          Spend the night with infinity.
          Let the universe wrap
          Its arms around you as you
          Draw courage from the stars.
          Rest your weary head on hope
          And know that you are loved,
          For love is everywhere.
          -Christy Ann Martine


I know what I said, and I know what you think and I lied. I couldn't stay away. I just could say goodbye to all of you. The people who have supported me through so much and push me to do my best. I know why I love writing. I love creating, I love making others happy, I love giving people a place to go to we things are getting rough. So thank you so much. I won't just give up I'll keep writing for as long as I can keep giving a place for all of you. I love each and everyone one of you, I want you to know that and you will never understand how awful I feel for not being able to message some of you back. I do care and hope that I can bring you to a land of peace even if its only for a little while. Let's walk through the woods on a warm evening next to the gurgling brook and the sun sets in the distance.
          Sweet dreams blessed upon you my children of the night.


@--Nightmare-- I feel like you’re just beautifully poetic without even trying. Being hopelessly gay at every cute thing that moves is about all I can muster without trying. Thanks for the vote of confidence against insufferable demons clawing at my neck while I sleep. Rest easy also friend. Sleepy time for this trash fire.


@Tomemie Crying or not I can wish that you can have a peaceful slumber and in your dreams, you can have an adventure. I'm not talking about an adventure where you have to fight for your life, you don't have to fight monsters, I'll do that for you. No the kind of adventure I want you to have is the one where you chase fireflies, write your name with sparklers or curl up next to a campfire. It's okay to cry, I'll be here to help dry your tears.