
I just had an impulsive moment and dyed my hair blue


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I know we may be separated by miles, know that you are always close to my heart. I want to tak this moment to express my deepest appreciation for everything you are and everything you do. You are someone i treasure and  hold dearer than words can even express. Everything we've done, the shared laughter to the comforting silence, every moment spent with you is a cherished memory Entangled into the fabric of my being that I will never in a lifetime forget. I know that you're going through a lot right now, and I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what. I know it's been a long 16 years, filled with ups and downs, and shit shows. Especially right now, in the midst of whatever struggles you may be facing, I want you to know how incredibly proud I am of you. I want you to know that I see you, I admire you, and I am endlessly proud of the person you are. Your strength inspires me to be a better person every day. Because even at your lows you are still fighting. Life is like a neverending obstacle course, always trying to trip us up. But dude, you've been like a boss, staying strong and keeping your head held high even when everything around you is going haywire. Seriously, it's been mind-blowing to see how you've handled all the crazy twists and turns that life has thrown at you. But past this,  i feel like..i dont know how to explain it but like a ping of sadness for the pain you have felt and endured, for the scars that may not be visible to the naked eye but run deep within your soul.


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I wish I could take away your pain, erase the shit that weigh heavy on your heart, but I know that life doesn't work that way.
            You are the kind of person whose laughter is infectious especially when we call, and whose heart is boundless in its capacity to love. And yet, I know that behind that beautiful smile you need to start showing more, there's are struggles you face, battles you fight silently, and burdens you carry. 
            But I want you to know that you're not alone. You have me..someone who cares deeply for you, who would drop everything in a heartbeat to listen to you crying or hold you when you need it. You're the only person I know that if you texted me, I'd do anyting to help you out because life with you in it is infinitely better than life without you. 
            So on this day, as you celebrate another year of your fucking extraordinary existence, I want you to know how much you are loved, how deeply you are cherished, and how irreplaceable you are to me. Happy Birthday, dear<3!


*sprinkles flowers on you and hands you a present* happy birthday lovely!! I hope you have a blast today!! May you stay blessed and healthy!! Lots of love❤️


It's my birthday 


My birthday is on Sunday, let's see if I actually get texted


Could you tell Jess I love her..