
hi, so i have 500+ followers, so i figure i owe you guys a: thank you.
          	[also, i updated combustion: https://www.wattpad.com/151820061-combustion-red-giant-seven so if you want to check that out and give a vote/ leave a comment... ta dah]
          	and to my gang of 511 people, @ketterdams (elena) tagged me in this q&a, so if anyone cares to know more about me, continue reading. [also, def check out elena's writing, because it's fab and descriptive and you'll definitely find something you love]
          	mulan or big hero 6, but fave character goes to hiccup from how to train your dragon. i'm a sucker for little kid films. the way to my heart, really.
          	▶ FAVE MOVIE IN GENERAL: lol, i hardly watch movies. the best one i've seen recently is "room" which i bawled during the whole 2 hours. not an exaggeration. 11/10 would recommend. 
          	▶ FAVE SUPERHERO: spiderman. he's just so agile and dorky. also, just finished jessica jones, and she's pretty kickass.
          	▶ THAT OUTFIT YOU WEAR SO MUCH IT'D BE YOUR CARTOON CLOTHES: i don't know how to describe clothes so i avoid it at all costs :))) but my friend recently added some pics of us from college and i'm wearing this one shirt in like... 75% of the photos, so oops.
          	▶ THE SONG YOU ROCK OUT TO IN THE CAR: i will belt anything by abba until the day i day. but recently, my favorite song has been "the emotion" by BORNS. not really a song to "rock out to" per say, but an awesome song, nonetheless.
          	▶ THE BOOK/SERIES YOU WISH YOU COULD EXIST IN: probably percy jackson, but really i'd take any series/ place where i could potentially have powers.
          	▶ YOUR HP HOUSE: i mean... i belong in ravenclaw, but the revamped pottermore sorted me into slytherin. so long as i'm not gryffindor, i'm not complaining.
          	▶ IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY PET (MYTHOLOGICAL OR NOT): you could place a hippogriff in front of me, and i would still choose to have a cat. 
          	▶ SUPERPOWER YOU DAYDREAM OF HAVING: generic, but can't pass up flying.


Do you make covers for people? I really like your covers:)


@vibrator haha, so sorry for this very late reply. i was out of the country for a bit...
            anyways, i don't really make covers for other people, but my covers really aren't that fancy. (i've made all of them with the exception of a taste of winter). i don't have any hardcore editing programs, so honestly, i just use microsoft paint. most of my images i've gotten off of google, but pinterest has a lot of artsy pictures that might not show up on a google search. and if you're in need of good fonts, i suggest downloading a couple from dafont.com
            hope this helps + there are many much more talented people who are willing to make covers. just head over to the forums :)


hi, so i have 500+ followers, so i figure i owe you guys a: thank you.
          [also, i updated combustion: https://www.wattpad.com/151820061-combustion-red-giant-seven so if you want to check that out and give a vote/ leave a comment... ta dah]
          and to my gang of 511 people, @ketterdams (elena) tagged me in this q&a, so if anyone cares to know more about me, continue reading. [also, def check out elena's writing, because it's fab and descriptive and you'll definitely find something you love]
          mulan or big hero 6, but fave character goes to hiccup from how to train your dragon. i'm a sucker for little kid films. the way to my heart, really.
          ▶ FAVE MOVIE IN GENERAL: lol, i hardly watch movies. the best one i've seen recently is "room" which i bawled during the whole 2 hours. not an exaggeration. 11/10 would recommend. 
          ▶ FAVE SUPERHERO: spiderman. he's just so agile and dorky. also, just finished jessica jones, and she's pretty kickass.
          ▶ THAT OUTFIT YOU WEAR SO MUCH IT'D BE YOUR CARTOON CLOTHES: i don't know how to describe clothes so i avoid it at all costs :))) but my friend recently added some pics of us from college and i'm wearing this one shirt in like... 75% of the photos, so oops.
          ▶ THE SONG YOU ROCK OUT TO IN THE CAR: i will belt anything by abba until the day i day. but recently, my favorite song has been "the emotion" by BORNS. not really a song to "rock out to" per say, but an awesome song, nonetheless.
          ▶ THE BOOK/SERIES YOU WISH YOU COULD EXIST IN: probably percy jackson, but really i'd take any series/ place where i could potentially have powers.
          ▶ YOUR HP HOUSE: i mean... i belong in ravenclaw, but the revamped pottermore sorted me into slytherin. so long as i'm not gryffindor, i'm not complaining.
          ▶ IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY PET (MYTHOLOGICAL OR NOT): you could place a hippogriff in front of me, and i would still choose to have a cat. 
          ▶ SUPERPOWER YOU DAYDREAM OF HAVING: generic, but can't pass up flying.


thanks for the follow babe (man, i've missed thanking people for follows). you da bomb and i hope college hasn't killed you just yet. we've got so much to catch up on!!


@--tempestuous oooh, my baby has made it an entire year!! i shall pm you asap so we can catch up <333 (and thank you, you're actually so sweet. tbh, now that junior year is almost over, i'm ready to read so much)


@ketterdams i survived college, and yes, it's definitely been a while since we've spoken. feel free to pm me at anytime, and i hope to read more of your writing this summer ;)


Hey there!! I know that these requests of reading a particular story on one's timeline could be really annoying but as I'm new on wattpad and I'm absolutely unaware of any other method that could help me promote my book, I can't help but choose this one. So please could you have a look at my story? I'm working very hard on this one and I just need people's support. Your one step could make a difference. 
          The Beauty and The Beast
          Thank you and have a great day ahead. 
          ~ Anastasia. 


ANGELA LOVELY HOW ARE YOU BEAUTIFUL?!?! especially now that i've abused you with all that caps lock crap xD


@The_Fallen_Rose ALSO: i am on the season finale of the first season of flash, so!!!!!!!!!!!


@The_Fallen_Rose what? that should be illegal. and you'll be a senior then, right? stage a mutiny, lol.
            it was pretty good. my friends and i went to see second city, and then we ate snacks and chilled. it was nice. and the weather was BEAUTIFUL this weekend. like mid 50's and all the snow melted and it was glorious to have the sun out.
            see, snow is pointless here because there is never days off. if school was cancelled, the weather would be so miserable that i would probably want to die. but here's to hoping for you! and uggs are comfortable enough that i stopped caring about how basic i appeared.
            currently no solid plans for nano this year (april, july, or november) but i'll definitely be partaking. combustion has like 5+ chapters to go probably? i have an ending, but i don't know how long it will take to get there. as for revision... nothing has happened, lol. but once revision is done, it'll probably end up on wattpad, woohoo.
            (and when you make a new account, message me :))


lol i just found out that my school's literally halving the number of days off we have second semester next year, and i'm about to ready to burn the building down. YAY YOU MADE IT! how was socializing for you? i hope it was fun!
            ooh, indiana! fancy. lucky! i'm telling you, we've barely had enough snow to cover the grass since the middle of january. it's horrible. on the bright side tho, we're getting hit with a snow storm tomorrow. fingers crossed for a damn snow day. and yeah! it was 50 degrees over the weekend! unfortunately, i got stuck in the car in a long sleeve shirt, sweats, and furry boots (nope, not uggs) with the sun on my face and no air conditioning for over an hour. yeah, i was miserable haha. 
            yes girl, yes. at least you're writing buddy! and you'll finish it! i believe in you. how far have you gotten?? what are you planning for nano this year? and i don't wanna go but i feel like it'd be better if i just left this account. (shhh don't tell anyone, but i wanna start fresh. i'm prob gonna come back to wattpad senior year, but on a new account i think. still considering haha)


Change makes me uncomfortable, and the new WP update makes me uncomfortable when reading XD


Huh. I noticed that the sidebar of recommended works is now at the very bottom, and the "read next chapter" thing looks different. And author (instead of being at the top/center) is now on the left side. Nothing major :P


Huh. I noticed that the sidebar of recommended works is now at the very bottom, and the "read next chapter" thing looks different. Nothing major :P


@raindrop how has it changed? i think everything's the same for me at the moment.