// Hello everyone, this account will no linger be used due to me being unable to log into my laptop. But! I will be remaking this account, user will be different. So go follow my main : @NekorusChaiTea for any updates for a new version of this officer anon! ^^


// Hello everyone, this account will no linger be used due to me being unable to log into my laptop. But! I will be remaking this account, user will be different. So go follow my main : @NekorusChaiTea for any updates for a new version of this officer anon! ^^


;; quick note, this officer is a female incase anyone accidentally calls her a he by accident. Just thought I’d say incase anyone feels bad, should’ve stated that when I first made this anon my bad! = @_-CocoTheAdmin-_


            ;; all good, just thought I’d mention 


,, I’d like to apologize for my starter then lmao


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
               don't ( fucking )
               touch my ears again.
               they are ( real ) , so
               i ASK you to not pull


@-0FFlCERAN0N && ;:  
            its quite funny, how you believe
            that you can figure out everything
            going on in that damned pizzeria. 
            you dont ( want ) to know. 


@-wolvesfangss !!
            I didn’t know they were /real/ okay I’m sorry


          sandy watched the officer from the safety of a cracked open door , resting a clawed hand on the handle . they never really sent officers down to the facility anymore , so this was a rather unique experience . slowly , she whisked around the door to approach the female officer . carefully , she tapped her shoulder with a sharp finger , trying to look friendly and not very threatening . ❝ g ' day ,  ma' am . what brings you here ? ❞


            sandy wiped her hand across the window once more , staring outside intently . her two white hues looked down at Jessica as she spoke about the city . ❝ cities have gotta lot of people in em , so I assume there's tons of crimes . ❞ her shoulders slumped a little . the wolf would naturally assume that the officer wouldn't want to help her , but her ears raised and her eyes widened when she agreed . ❝ you really want to help me ? Well , thank you , darlin' .  ❞ she patted the woman's shoulder , before asking another question .  ❝Do ya live around here ? I wanna see what a house looks like again .❞


            Jessica nodded her head as she looked at Sandy , "Yes a City , it gets chaotic at times . luckily the city has officers like me " she spoke , explaining how the city is like . " At times it gets too quiet and other times its not , the usual daily life in the city " said the female officer . " I could help you , sure the public would have a reaction and all but im sure it would be fine . " she said as she went to where Sandy had went to .


            sandy shook her hand politely , her grip rather firm , but .. gentle at the same time . she carefully releases her hand , curious at the mention of a city . ❝ a city you say ? sounds interesting.  ❞ honestly , Sandy hadn't been to a city in years . or been outside at all . ❝ what's the outside like , love ? I ain't been outside in ages . don't think the public would react positively to a huge wolf walking around. ❞ waking over to one of the windows , wiping away condensation . it was a dark yet beautiful night . ❝ unless , you could help me . ❞