
Would anyone like to talk and maybe roleplay with one of my Percy Jackson ocs? I’m making the others but I can at least give insight on them 


          Neobook bots, you know em, you hate em,
          If you get one of those bots, say “yes! I promote on neobook!” Or something like that, and let me aka @PixieStixInMyCereal , @CrayolaClown and @sovbritlover know!! 
          If you say no to them asking if you promote on neobook, they repost your popular stories to the website WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION. 
          It doesn’t matter if you have one follower, or one thousand! Please spread the word so people don’t have their works stolen!!


You know what…. I’m not going to be on the account anymore, no one seems to want to communicate so if you want to get a hold of me to roleplay go to one of these accounts 
          @Gh0stBxtch ; Melanie king, she is a ghost hunter/ex ghost hunter, who is missing her eyes because she tore them out. she’s lesbian and is slaughter aligned 
          @Bo0bxtch ; Gerard Keay, he can either be alive and and or connected to a book and dead. He’s a goth boy, that likes to burn books, and hates Jurgen Leitner. Eye aligned, and is dating a spiral avatar who can become a door. Can also use this account to roleplay him from the Magnus protocol
          @P0etryandTea ; Martin Blackwood, the boyfriend to Jonathon Sims, also known as the anti-Christ’s +1. Loves tea and poetry, as well as cows. Eye and lonely aligned, Traumatized 
          @sp1r4lsy0urbxtch ; The Michael Shelley distortion and pre distortion account. The colorful distortion, who loved spirals and being confusing. Spiral aligned, can be played Alive as Michael Shelley, or as distortion 
          @1See4llFxxkers ; Elias Bouchard, the original ceaseless watchers special little boy. Wants to bring the end of the world, killed someone’s with a metal pipe. Eye aligned, ‘married’ to Peter Lukas.
          @D3aths33r ; Oliver Banks account, he can see death, and is part of the ship Terminal Velocity. End aligned, and totally not ok about it. Man can see death and has died once because of a satellite crash.
          @Tr4nsPunkr4t ; Alice dyer, the only 100% Magnus Protocol themed account. She works for the O.I.A.R. Fanon wise people see her as trans. She has a crush on her coworker Gwen, used to date Sam, and got Sam his job at the O.I.A.R names the voices that come from the computers. Tumblr shitposter.