Hey guys!!
          	So i just wanted to take time to thank everyone!, your love and support means the world to me, and its what keeps me going,
          	 although i would like to announce that  i no longer write Nj boys fanfics,
          	 The one and only Nj fanfic that i have [published as if now, is  called IM NOT ENOUGH AND IM SORRY this is a new book that is still in writing, 
          	i did in fact  remove (the baby you left behind alejandro rosario)
          	Here's the reason, i'm a anime fan and well i used to not really pay attention to that, i've been watching anime since i was a kid and well i'd like to finally share my anime love through my books , so if you have watched haikyuu! or AOT then you would probably be interested
          	  i'm currently writing a Sugawara fanfic and a Levi ackerman fanfic, if you are not intrested in that i might just write the NJ fanfics in @-NJBOYS 
          	although i doubt it,
          	 also that account is owned by me and andrea. 
          	so i cant make no such promises, thank you guys for every thing it makes me really happy the time i spent writing NJ fanfics is one i will never forget.
          	have a great day! feel free to massage me if you have any questions


Hey guys!!
          So i just wanted to take time to thank everyone!, your love and support means the world to me, and its what keeps me going,
           although i would like to announce that  i no longer write Nj boys fanfics,
           The one and only Nj fanfic that i have [published as if now, is  called IM NOT ENOUGH AND IM SORRY this is a new book that is still in writing, 
          i did in fact  remove (the baby you left behind alejandro rosario)
          Here's the reason, i'm a anime fan and well i used to not really pay attention to that, i've been watching anime since i was a kid and well i'd like to finally share my anime love through my books , so if you have watched haikyuu! or AOT then you would probably be interested
            i'm currently writing a Sugawara fanfic and a Levi ackerman fanfic, if you are not intrested in that i might just write the NJ fanfics in @-NJBOYS 
          although i doubt it,
           also that account is owned by me and andrea. 
          so i cant make no such promises, thank you guys for every thing it makes me really happy the time i spent writing NJ fanfics is one i will never forget.
          have a great day! feel free to massage me if you have any questions