;; This aesthetic is lowkey sexy. Should've saved it for my main. 


          	  ;; Pipe down homo


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             rubbing the back of his neck, the brunette male was utterly exhausted. who knew doing so many errands at once could make you tired, dazai sure didn't. letting a small huff fall from his lips, he spotted a familiar figure on the sidewalk near the park. talking to someone? deciding to get behind a tree, he watched from a far. they looked a little too close and buddy buddy for the suicidal boys taste. his brows knitted up as he felt something in his heart twist up. what the hell is this feeling? it — can't be jealousy, can it? he hasn't properly spoken to chuuya in so long, why does he feel this way? sliding down, he buried his face into the palms of his hands. this is just fan - fucking - tastic. 
          /  I TRIED MY BEST —


                the stick was the most comfort he needed at this moment. digging it into the mushy ground, he shivered a little at the cold wind. this night was going absolutely horrible. sighing a little to himself, he wasn't exactly paying attention until he heard the others voice. blinking, was chuuya actually offering him a night's stay? but why? wasn't dazai a horrible person the red - head hated? deciding not to fully question it, he shook it off and nodded. getting up, although the hat being placed on his head was somewhat of a surprise at first. hands in his own trenchcoat pockets, following the smaller all the way. and this time, he didn't make some snobby comment either.  when in, he took off his own shoes and jacket out of politeness. sighing a little bit, he hung it and then started walking down.  ❝  a hot cocoa would be nice.  ❞ the suicidal male mumbled. he wouldn't exactly cry himself to sleep, but a nap didn't sound too bad. walking down there, he rubbed at his eyes. once there, the brunette curled up into the bedding, not even bothered to have the covers on himself. 


            Once being assured that this display was a genuine one, he nodded silently. Carefully studying the other’s body for any sign that said otherwise, he found something else instead. The brunette was freezing. Gaze softening at the other admitting his feelings toward him again, his cheeks lit up with a light and unnoticeable red. Inhaling a deep breath and huffing it out through his nostrils, the redhead rose to his feet. “C’mon. My apartment isn’t far from here. You can cry yourself to sleep in my bed or somethin’ and then we can talk about it so let’s get a move on,” he instructed in a soft tone. Removing his hat, he placed it on Dazai’s head so that nobody could get a good look at his tear-stained face. Nodding his head in the direction of his house he glanced down and debated on holding the other’s hand, but he decided against it before ultimately stuffing his hands in his pockets. After reaching his house, he let Dazai inside first before closing and locking the door behind them. “My room’s down the hall to the left. Get comfy. Oh- uh. You thirsty? Hungry?” He asked the male while taking his shoes off at the door and making his way to the kitchen.


                even though he left so much behind, those stupid mushy feelings still followed begin him as he tried to strive for a new life. letting out a small sigh as he placed his head on his knees, he kept his gaze away from the other male. dazai felt rather, lost if he was being honest. his emotions, this entire night, it was all like a fever dream to him. never in a million years did he think he'd breakdown like this, sure he's acted upset before but this. this was genuine hurt and  him being upset. usually he sulks in his office or at home, which he's currently at neither. rubbing at his tear stained eyes, he tried to keep his red puffed eyes away from the other male. not paying much attention towards the words, he nibbled at his lower lip. honestly? the brunette was just tired, exhausted even. sometimes wearing a front for so long just becomes a habit.  listening to chuuya speak, he arched up a brow and tried to think. ❝  I'm not lying to you. I know I act, but this is genuine..  ❞  mumbling those words, he played with that stick again as his body begun to tense up.  his mind spinning at the shorter ones words.  ❝.. y - yeah.. I do.  ❞ osamu admits, his fingers wrapped around the stick with a small breath that he didn't know was in him released. he was tired honestly, but pink splattered across his messy tear stained cheeks. 


▯▷  now, even though the two were ex - partners and on opposing sides, there's always a chance they'd bump into eachother in the streets or at a restaurant. and this happened to be one of those times. walking into a café / fast food like joint, the darker haired male let a small grin curl his lips when seeing a familiar face. coming up behind chuuyas booth, he placed his arms folded as he poked the smallers neck. ❝  well if it isn't the infamous chuuya nakahara! how's it going short stack ~?  ❞  a slim grin laced his lips as he placed his head onto his hands. 
          /  here ya goooo :)


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               sometimes dazai grieved leaving the port. but it's whatever, the deed is done now. letting himself sigh, his head perked once receiving his food. taking it, his attention snapped back towards the ginger. sometimes the brunet was a trickster, others well, he didn't know what he was. body relaxed some, he then looked at chuuya. ❝  ouch, that hurt.  ❞  putting on a playful voice like he would with atsushi, he then listened to the mere uncertainty. ❝  don't sound too certain yourself there buddy.  ❞   dazai spoke as he waved his hand. enjoying his meatbuns, the suicidal idiot closed his eyes some. at times he found himself thinking. if his friend oda didn't die, and didn't tell him to live a better life — he would've still been by the anti - gravity punks side. dreading the thought, he looked at his plate. 
            ;; well shit. honestly, angst for them comes so easily 


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            Allowing the other’s answer to register, he felt that his answer was more positive than if someone asked him this question while in the Port Mafia. To the best of his ability he sensed no insincerity behind the trickster’s response. Now wearing a scowl as he attempted to decipher his ex partner’s answer it annoyed him how Dazai wasn’t completely sure about where he stands with his new position in life. After going to the extremes of betrayal and blowing up his car you dare to be unsure about the Armed Detective Agency? Head lifting from the question being flipped on him he paused for a moment. Wearing a smug grin he laughed. “Of course I’m happy! I don’t have to deal with your annoying ass and your dumb tricks! And I get to beat up all the goons I want? I’m living a dream,” he responded boastfully. However, his voice traced with a hint of uncertainty himself. Shortly after Dazai’s disappearance there’d been something poking him in all the wrong places and it irked his nerves despite his unwavering attitude.
            ;; That moment when you accidentally make it a bit angsty . Declare me the king of angst please and thank you


                once his food was ordered, the other paid. he had some money on him after all, he wasn't / completely / broke like some may have guessed by the tab at the agency. hands shoved into his coat pockets, he strolled back over towards the ginger. seeing how relaxed chuuya could get made him slightly confused. this man is the definition of angry dog energy. after he sat and had his hands clasp, that question left his lips. to follow up, the anti - gravity boy had one to follow it up. nose scrunched, he had to actually think. without the suicide portion in his life, was he actually happy where he's at? thinking positive like this hurts his head. ❝  honestly, I'm not all sure. I mean the agency is great and I love my co - workers, but I suppose it just doesn't feel right.  ❞  dazai had no idea how to answer that question, honestly. sighing, he rubbed his face a little bit before yawning some. he then arched a thin brow at the port mafia member. ❝  what about you? are you happy where you're at?  ❞
            ;;  OKOK <\3