i can't believe I actually use to like mattia and any of the jersey boys smh   


hey guys, i know i haven’t been updating lately, but over those days, i’ve decided that i no longer am i fan of mattia or the jersey boys. i know i’m going to loose followers but it is what it is. i can’t keep writing for someone i’m not interested in. so from now on, i’ll be writing about BTS. you can hate it, or love it. your choice. i don’t really mind. as long as i’m happy when writing and have motivation because i’m writing about my favorite people, then i’m fine. i hope you understand, and will continue to support me, but as i said, i don’t mind if you don’t. i love you all, and thank you for supporting me!  


as long as you’re happy, i’m happy :)


@polybiohh16 thank you so much! i love you! and that’s fine if you don’t read them! i’m also here for you. just dm me on instagram or on wattpad. and no, i won’t be releasing any more books about the jersey boys. i did have a two in my drafts (they’re still there) but i had stopped liking them before i got a chance to finishing the books. one was called ‘just friends’ and it was about kairi. and the other was called ‘dark web’ about mattia. but, it is what it is, lol. i love you!! <33


@justathothere thank you so much. you should look up bts. they’ve changed my, and they may do the same to you. also, thank you <3