
Someone write these stories I can't write all of themmm


Lol look what I found in my notes:
          “Whatever may come, let it come, but never forget how much I love you.”
          Those were Gustava Daaé’s last words to her son, and Christian lived by them. When the seven-year-old boy was taken away from his only remaining friend in order to make a living pursuing his mother’s career, he let it come. When he learned that the money his father had left for him was to be reserved until he married, he let it come. When the mysterious “coincidences” of the opera house hit too close to home, he let that come, too.
          “Never forget…” He did not forget. He would never forget. *She* would not let him forget. His mother… the spirit of his mother had returned to teach him to sing. That, or the voice was the angel she had promised him. At least, that was what he wanted to believe.


If I wrote a short Erik x Elsa fanfic, would anyone want to read it? Or does that pass the cringe threshold? 


@-Ange-de-la-Musique- Do it, might get cringy but im kinda interested to see where the plot would go.


I'm baaaaaaack!


@-Ange-de-la-Musique-  You're welcome! 
            I'm very glad you're back


All right, so, imagine a theoretical world in which I find the time to write another Phanfiction. Which would be more interesting to you?
          - A higher-quality rewrite of Seal My Fate. I would flesh out the plot more, fix some plot holes, use better-quality writing, and make it more historically accurate, while maintaining the basic integrity of the story.
          - A gender swap. This would not be the typical kind, as the goal here is not to _defy_ gender expectations, but rather explore how the story would be _ different_ if we swapped the genders of the characters.
          As much as I would like to do both, I doubt I would have the time.


@-Ange-de-la-Musique- I LOVE THE IDEA OF A GENDER SWAP!! I would love to have a new phantom of the Opera fic to read :))


I suppose I should read Seal My Fate before I give my final answer, but a gender swap sounds DOPE! Especially since that exact idea has been running through my mind