"If you were livingI would descend the deepest of pits,Wander the darkness forever as a shadowOur memories still drift vividlyYou’re goneI knowThe sun rises, rises, purifies my worldA tepid wind carries off the tattoo carved into my mind.
If it would bring theseSacrifice my voiceA vivid scar and this despairYour warmth that overwhelms all my sadnessI yearned for itEven if it is just an illusion.The fading, fading warmth takes me awayI want to fall asleep in your forgiving embraceThe sun rises, rises, purifies my worldI want to fall asleep in your forgiving embraceThe fading, fading warmth takes me awayA tepid wind carries off the tattoo carved into my mindMemories are wearing thin with time.I forget, it all fades,Your voice vanishes amidst the noise of a crowd.It falls apart, I lose my grip,I forget, without a trace,Your voice becomes static."