So, I like doing research and writing non professional research papers. I like learning about medical stuff and psychological type stuff and writing research papers on them. Though this is a new hobby, so I don't have much written. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading something like that. It's a lot different from what I do now, but I think it would cool to kind of share my research on certain things and they might spark a new sort of conversation. I wouldn't get rid of my fiction stories, in fact, I am currently outlining one and I am so excited for it, but it won't be done for a while because it is very intricate and it is a very new type of writing for me, so I need to get used to it. Anyways, what I'm trying to ask is if you guys would be interested in a book dedicated to nonprofessional research papers. I call them nonprofessional because I am not a credited person in that type of stuff and am in no way a professional. It all basically would be me sharing my findings. I will, of course, do my best to link all of my sources. On that note, does anyone know how to like, cite something in a research paper? I have never written a research paper before and would love some help. Or if anyone knows of any clubs that could help me with it, that would be cool too. Anyways, let me know if that's something you would want to read.