
{ controversial take, but it's not healthy how you guys couldn't go 12 hours without TikTok. }


@-Aurele , 』
          	  Right. No company is completely safe from failing. Social media and being an influencer is no exception. Just as other business owners do, you need a backup plan and you have to prepare for these things. Does it suck if you lose your job? Absolutely. Sometimes you feel you have stability, then you don't. It is stressful and tiring. But they walked into a job they knew was controversial and has been talked about being banned since when, 2020?


          	  I agree. I don't agree with why it was banned entierly because I know it was mainly to censor things and (to me) it seemed like just a stunt. The "goodbye" message was so weird and not professional at all.
          	  I just don't think people should be so obsessed with an app like they are with TikTok. I don't think it's healthy for anybody to be obsessed with any app to the point you cannot go 12 hours without it. Any app, really. Not just TikTok.


@-Aurele valid take tbh, although, the main issue i had was that it was just to censor info related to palestine and whatnot


{ controversial take, but it's not healthy how you guys couldn't go 12 hours without TikTok. }


@-Aurele , 』
            Right. No company is completely safe from failing. Social media and being an influencer is no exception. Just as other business owners do, you need a backup plan and you have to prepare for these things. Does it suck if you lose your job? Absolutely. Sometimes you feel you have stability, then you don't. It is stressful and tiring. But they walked into a job they knew was controversial and has been talked about being banned since when, 2020?


            I agree. I don't agree with why it was banned entierly because I know it was mainly to censor things and (to me) it seemed like just a stunt. The "goodbye" message was so weird and not professional at all.
            I just don't think people should be so obsessed with an app like they are with TikTok. I don't think it's healthy for anybody to be obsessed with any app to the point you cannot go 12 hours without it. Any app, really. Not just TikTok.


@-Aurele valid take tbh, although, the main issue i had was that it was just to censor info related to palestine and whatnot


Bonsoir Mademoiselle :3


            May I also have a description on how you look like? :3


            Hi! Thank you! I've just been working crazy hours so I haven't been online much throughout the week!
            Ughh I could just get lost talking about South Africa! She, I feel, is one of my lesser complex designs but I just lover her so much. (At least compared to, like, Tonga, she's pretty low-key.) I have her hair hidden under a white headscarf so I don't give her intricate hair styles. Even her clothing I didn't make too complicated, it's just a light blue dress that goes down to her ankles with an apron that has different Esther Mahlangu patterns on it! (Esther is a South African artist who created artwork inspired by Ndebele people/culture! My South Africa isn't Ndebele, but I love Esther's art and wanted to incorporate her into my SA a bit!) I HC her as being blind in her right eye so while her left is green, the right is grayish-blue! It's one of my favourite parts about her and I think gives her a bit of character!
            Algeria I haven't thought as much about, but right now, I just have him in a dark green qamees with the hems/collar outlined with a little golden pattern (just like little swirls and such!) I know he's kind of lame, I haven't thought about him too much on a border scale lol
            Thank you very much ❤️ you're so so sweet and that means a lot to me! I wish I could draw so I could do something for you too! 


@-Aurele HEYYY!!! I hope you've been doing well!! I've been good!! What about you?
            I actually wanted to request a few things- Can you give me some references to how your South Africa and Algeria look like? And if it's alright with you, a description of how you look like!! I wanted to make somethings for you :>


How did Wicked beat Inside Out 2 for Box office achievement...?


@-Aurele , 』
            Literally, I thought about that too. People argue all the time "it's the highest grossing musical to movie adaptation" but do you not consider the fact inflation is a thing and that prices on movies just go up...? And even if you just pretend inflation just isn't a thing and go off of numbers alone, do you not consider $1 billion internationally as an achievement? Or how its the highest grossing disney sequel? Or how its the highest grossing animated film?
            Disney has been achieving numbers like this, I get it. But it doesn't change the fact Inside Out 2 was big, had the biggest box office achievement of 2024, and had more internally viewers and fans.
            I've said it before but I'll say it again, the amount of money made isn't bad. It's a good number. But let's not pretend Deadpool and Wolverine, Dune pt. 2, and Inside out 2 accomplished nothing.


@FutureDiaryAyano ,
            No, it didn't. Not saying it was a bad movie (I haven't even seen it so I can't say whether it was good or bad), but at the time the Golden Globes happened, it was (and still is, as of right now) no where near the Box Office amount Inside Out 2 made.
            It is a Box Office achievement. DCP stated themselves that the award went to the highest earning film and one that got the largest international audience. That simply is just not Wicked.
             @WeirdestArrow ,
            Just because it was a sequel doesn't mean it shouldn't be rewarded for the things it achieved.


I mean inside our 2 was just another sequel 


{ If I were to publish something in my Countryhumans but it's all Africa book (or in general, any book), would you rather headcanons or oneshots? }


@Bigboy4000 , @yasminari , @Stvrrq_retro ,
            Alright, cool! I just wanted to see if there was anything/what I needed to prioritise!




@-Aurele :0 Oooh, sharp!! 
            Ehhh, not really, sadly- I just have these very important exams in february so I'm not really looking "forward" for the next year :pensive: 
            Ooh, I hope you enjoy the next year!!
            I see :0 I'm sure whatever you're writing is awesome!! You're really talented!!


            I'm hoping to actually write stuff since I've got nothing else going on, and I have a few WIPs but none that I'm totally in love with yet!


            Yes, yes, I had a feeling! I looked at the bio and recodnized your writing and bio aesthetic ^^
            Have any plans for the new years? For the most part, we're not doing anything lol, just hanging out


{ When articles use the term "highest grossing movie", do they look at inflation or just the numbers as is? }


@-Aurele Yeah, if you find out please let me know! I'm curious now!


            I think about it all the time lol. Anytime I see a headline that's like "[insert movie] has the highest box office..." I just wonder if that includes inflation or no.
            Because, like Cecelia said above, yeah Moana 2 (I'm just taking her example) is making a whole ton of money, but so has other movies. And I wonder all the time how the numbers and data would look different if inflation was calculated and stuff. You know?


@-Aurele That's an interesting question actually, all I know is that it's how much it made in the box office.


{ Latin America ate with the cultural costumes this year at Miss Universe lol
          Miss Bolivia, Miss Costa Rica, Miss Mexico, Miss Ecuador; they were all fantastic and had amazing outfits, I loved them.
          Miss Samoa and Miss Zimbabwe always does amazing too, I loved her outfit this year. }


Nil Unquam Simile


            I agree! I don't think the outfit was bad but it didn't scream "Brazil" which is like the whole point of the cultural costumes.
            The outfit Miss Perú got should've been the outfit Miss Uruguay got.
            Europe in general sucked ass. The only one I found myself actually saying "ooh" to in a positive way was Miss Malta because it was really cute and I loved the fit. Maybe Miss Italy but it still wasn't great compared to Miss Mongolia or Miss Jamaica.
            I knowwwww. Miss Slovakia would've been so cute if they didn't crop her shirt and just let her wear a cultural outfit! I don't think it was a bad fit but it was just odd to me they would do that.


*sun rays


{ Israel has just banned a UN (who previously helped  Palestinian refugees) from helping Palestinian refugees.
          Since the 1960s, UNRWA had provided services for Palestinian refugees. This morning, Israel's parilment banned that. Israel banned itself from having any contact with the UNRWA, alongside banning any of its occupied territory from having contact with the UNRWA. 
          Boaz Bismuth claimed "Anyone that behaves like a terrorist has no rights in Israel…. UNRWA equals Hamas, period.”
          Even the United States has expressed concerns about this ban as it could impact the education, food, and healcare of millions of Palestinians. 
          Israel claims the UNRWA was teaching Palestinian kids to hate Israel and how to be antisemitic. Israel lawmaker, Yulia Malinovsky, also claimed UNRWA told Palatinian children they would be able to come back to Israel, following that statement with "This will bot happen" }


@-Aurele    just so disappointing and concerning.  I actually have no words 


            [Those were the only two I could find at the moment regarding the ban and the accusations made towards UNWRA, but it's very new so more will probably be out about the situations.]
            [And I say "this morning" because it's almost midnight where I am lol-]


{ Has anyone read Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie?
          I just finished it and I'm obsessed (I loved it so much you have no idea) but I feel like nobody else has read it so I have nobody to talk to about it. }




            That's alright! It's a murder mystery! A woman gets killed on a boat going through the Nile and everybody else is a suspect. It's with Agatha Christie's reoccurring detective, Poirot as well.
            I really liked it! It took a bit for it to get interesting (imo) and I had to write down the character and how they were all related (since theres a lot), but once it did I was really into it and stayed up to finish it.