{ controversial take, but it's not healthy how you guys couldn't go 12 hours without TikTok. }
『 @-Aurele , 』 Right. No company is completely safe from failing. Social media and being an influencer is no exception. Just as other business owners do, you need a backup plan and you have to prepare for these things. Does it suck if you lose your job? Absolutely. Sometimes you feel you have stability, then you don't. It is stressful and tiring. But they walked into a job they knew was controversial and has been talked about being banned since when, 2020?
@yazminari I agree. I don't agree with why it was banned entierly because I know it was mainly to censor things and (to me) it seemed like just a stunt. The "goodbye" message was so weird and not professional at all. I just don't think people should be so obsessed with an app like they are with TikTok. I don't think it's healthy for anybody to be obsessed with any app to the point you cannot go 12 hours without it. Any app, really. Not just TikTok.